We are a church that embraces the gospel of the grace of God in Jesus Christ, holds firmly to the riches of the historic Christian faith, nurtures a community of believers, and mobilizes ministries to bring about personal and cultural renewal through the lordship of Jesus over all things.
We are a gospel-centered church. The gospel is the good news about God and his Son. Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, God has accomplished eternal salvation for all who believe this good news and put their trust in him. Through this same gospel, God gives us his Holy Spirit—the Spirit of his Son—to transform our hearts and minds so that we live and love like Jesus. We are not merely justified by the gospel and then move on to sanctification through our own efforts. Rather, the gospel is both the way to salvation through faith and the way we grow and mature in faith. This good news is central to our mission as the body of Christ. Everything flows from the reality of Jesus. In all that we do, we strive to point people to the gospel and help them believe it and live it.
We are a Reformed catholic church. We recognize that we are not the first church, the only church, or even the best church Jesus has in the world. Jesus established an ancient church, and he has been building it up in every age and in every nation. This is the small “c” catholic church, the universal body of Christ in the world. We understand ourselves to be part of that universal church, and we maintain our connection to it by holding in common with it the historic Christian faith, which is summarized in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. Within this common faith, we are committed to celebrating our Reformed and Presbyterian heritage without becoming sectarian. In our mission, we seek to cooperate with likeminded, evangelical believers and churches.
We are a
local church. We take seriously the Bible’s teaching that we are the family of God. We seek to be a community of brothers and sisters in Christ where everyone feels a sense of belonging, where we care for, encourage, and forgive one another, and where deep bonds of Christian friendship are formed and strengthened. Another word for community in the Bible is “fellowship.” Biblical fellowship is more than sharing a meal. It means sharing a common life. Fellowship means being in each other’s homes, working and worshiping with each other, and going through life’s joys and challenges together. In our mission, we aim to build this kind of community by practicing biblical fellowship.
We are a kingdom church. God has exalted Jesus to his right hand and has given him all authority in heaven and on earth. The lordship of Jesus covers and claims all creation. The church is called to advance the kingdom of Christ, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to work for the good of the neighborhoods where God has placed us. In our mission, we are committed to ministering in our community, nation, and world to bring about spiritual and cultural renewal for God’s glory. We seek to accomplish this by mobilizing our members to carry out ministries both inside and outside the church. We aim to help our members discover, define, develop, and deploy the spiritual gifts that God has given them.
2025 Community Egg Hunt!
Come join us at our ballfield Saturday April 19th!
11:00 am
We Are Hunting!
Registration begins at 10:30am
Our ballfield is located on Hibernia Rd, between rt 82 and 322
If it rains we will hold it indoors at the Church
KINGDOM KIDS Junior Church is Here!
We are excited to restart “Jr. Church” for children from Age 5 to Second Grade.
Our goal is to help raise up children for God’s Kingdom, so we have named this ministry “Kingdom Kids”! We will be using curriculum from “BibleZone Live”.
Children will start the regular Sunday service with their parents, and then go down to the Education Wing to have fun learning about God’s Kingdom. They will rejoin their parents in time for the end of the service.
We are thankful that so many have volunteered to serve this important ministry!
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30 for our Worship Service
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