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The English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible


ISBN: 1433562103

The English Standard Version (ESV) is published in a wide variety of print editions optimized for different purposes, including reading, journaling, in-depth study, preaching, and outreach. Use the Bible browser to choose from a variety of options. To read the Bible online or learn more about the translation, visit ESV.org. Crossway is one of the largest publishers of the ESV Bible and provides many variations including numerous study Bibles.

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The Westminster Confession of Faith

By G.I. Williamson

ISBN: 0875525938

The Westminster Confession of Faith is an unsurpassed summary of biblical truth and should be familiar ground to people of Reformed and Presbyterian conviction. For decades, G. I. Williamson's guide to the Confession has been an invaluable resource used in churches and colleges throughout the world.

The Author

G. I. Williamson (1925–2023) served congregations of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, the Reformed Churches of New Zealand, and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He was the author of study guides to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter Catechism and also served as the editor of Ordained Servant, a journal for elders and deacons.

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The Westminster Larger Catechism: A Commentary

By Johannes Vos

ISBN: 0875525148

J.G. Vos wrote a series of studies of the Larger Catechism that first appeared in Blue Banner Faith and Life (1946-49) and has never circulated widely. G.I. Williamson has edited Vos's commentary, and P&R is publishing it in book form for the first time. Because the Larger Catechism supplements the Shorter Catechism on such topics as the church and the means of grace, Presbyterians dare not ignore it. This edition of J.G. Vos's commentary will encourage a recommitment to the Larger Catechism's increased use and study.

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The Westminster Shorter Catechism

By G.I. Williamson

ISBN: 0875525210

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is unrivaled as a concise and faithful summary of the central teachings of Scripture. For decades G. I. Williamson’s study manuals on the Shorter Catechism have served as invaluable tools for instructing young and old in the Reformed system of doctrine.

Now newly typeset in one volume, this illustrated manual offers clear exposition of each of the 107 questions in the Shorter Catechism. Each lesson includes Scripture proofs, as well as questions for review or discussion. A valuable aid for group instruction or private study, this volume has been used successfully by homeschoolers, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and parents.

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