A Reformed Evangelical Presbyterian Church

New Paragraph

The Psalmist says, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you” (Psalm 67:1-3).

God has been gracious and has blessed the Forks Church with his presence through the Holy Spirit. This blessing is for God's purposes and God's glory. We believe it is the power of the Holy Spirit who regenerates hearts and causes people to rest in Christ alone for salvation. We also believe that it is the mission of the church to extend the Gospel in Word and Deed, not only locally, but to the ends of the earth. Therefore, our desire is to see people from all around the world gather to worship the "King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16).

We personally carry out the work of the Holy Spirit by participating in and supporting several missionary/ministry efforts. These ministries include but are not limited to:

Forks Bolivia Mission

Over twenty years ago, the Forks Church started sending our people to Bolivia for the sake of the Gospel. This ministry and relationship started in a small jungle village called Zapoco’. Since that beginning - of building a church and adobe homes within that community, we have had the opportunity to share in one-on-one evangelism, participate in establishing new churches and have provided leadership training in many communities in an area known as Lomerio and the surrounding communities of Concepcion. God has granted the Forks church lasting relationships with not only the Bolivian people, but with the national Bolivian missionaries who we value as close friends. The Forks church is currently supporting Israel Sanchez in attending Westminster Seminary and providing housing for he and his wife, Victoria.

The Forks Mission Team, who will travel to Bolivia on June 29th and return home on July 12th, ask for prayer.

Pray for all those who work under the umbrella of our mission sending agency, LATCOM: Tim Ramsey, John Lytle, Nathan Ramsey; along with Bolivian Missionaries Omar and Ana Vasquez and also Onesimo and Elodia Rojas. This team will be constantly traveling to different cities, towns and villages to do the work and ministry of evangelism in many forms. Logistics involve, travel arrangements, scheduling of events, lodging and meals, gathering and writing teaching materials, crafts, and most especially Spiritual preparation.

The team will be taking the generously donated items of need for those in the jungle villages and also for the girls who reside in the New Heart Foundation home. The team desperately needs the leading, guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit.

Your prayers are needed that God would be glorified and worshiped, and that the team would be sanctified through this mission endeavor. We, as a church are blessed to be a blessing. Let us pray and rejoice in this wonderful call of God that the Gospel would be proclaimed and received.

May the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted! 

Trans World Radio - Now, the gospel speaks 
  275+ languages in 190 countries
Thanks to the Lord's work in our ministry!


To reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced.


We exist to assist the Church in fulfilling the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of ALL peoples, and to do so by using and making available mass media to:

  • Proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible.
  • Instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living.
  • Model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships.

The vision of CHRISTAR is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped.

Christ-honoring transformation speaks to the process as well as the outcome. In the establishment of indigenous churches, we pursue a Christ-honoring influence on the community at large. As workers who partner with God in His work, we are a part of the transformation process that God is bringing about. God’s promise in Revelation 5:9 is People from every tongue, tribe, people and nation will worship God in eternity. Our vision is to go to those people who are not accounted for in the eternal roll call of nations! 

A Heritage of Ministry Among Muslims

Christar has had a mission for Muslims for 70 years. The Iran Interior Mission was founded in 1950 and merged with Christar in 1955. Today, our workers are establishing reproducing churches among Muslims on four continents.

Dave and Linda serve in Papua, Indonesia. Dave is a pilot and serves ​
as the Director of Operations for MAF Indonesia. Linda writes and puts together a publication for the MAF Papua team that highlights stories about how their ministry is “connecting, caring, and cultivating relationships” in Papua. Their family verse is Genesis 18:14a –​

Is anything too hard for the Lord?” ​

MAF Mission: Sharing the love of Jesus Christ though aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.​

MAF Vision: That every person on earth will experience the love of ​
Jesus Christ and respond to the Gospel. 

Jean and her husband Dave (now deceased) have served in Yucatan, Mexico since 1967 with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico. Dave founded the San Pablo Seminary in Merida in 1982. Jean plays and teaches piano. Jean’s ministry centers around her music as she visits many villages and shares the Gospel. 

The purpose of SRMS is to be a U.S. based organization that serves the many needs of the missionaries around the world. SRMS exists to support the spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial needs of the missionaries. 

After serving over seventeen years in Afghanistan, Tim and Karen now focus their work with the SEND International Diaspora Team located in the Detroit area. They work with Afghan immigrants, teaching ESL classes, visiting and praying with families, helping with translation issues, and helping them learn American life skills. Karen is a nurse and Tim works in the SEND International Office finance department and serves as the SEND Diaspora treasurer. Their vision for 2021 is to see a vibrant Afghan church in the Metro Detroit area and to serve that community with the love of Christ. 

SEND International in a cooperative agreement with EPC World Outreach is an interdenominational, multinational Christian mission organization with over 500 missionaries serving in more than 20 areas of Asia, The Middle East, Europe and North America. The passion of SEND International is to see the church mobilized to engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches.

Eugene serves as Moldova Bible Seminary President and is a teaching pastor at Kishinev Bible Church. Irina serves as co-founder and co-director of the women’s ministry and also serves as the administrator of the worship ministry at the KBC church. She is also the administrative secretary at the Moldova Bible Seminary.

Eugene and Irina are committed to serving the Lord in Moldova and the former USSR, raising up and training future missionaries to reach this region with the Gospel. 

The ministry of Kishinev Bible Church was established by American missionaries in 1993. Moldova Bible College was established in 1995 to train leadership for the evangelical church in Moldova and Eastern Europe. Since 2002 the ministries of KBC are led by national leaders with very close ties to the churches in the United States. 


LATCOM was founded in 1984 by the late Dr. Charles 'Chuck' Ramsey. He and his wife, Jean, spent over 60 years in ministry together in Bolivia.


That Latin Americans and their nations would be transformed with the Gospel and a Biblical worldview through training, equipping, and motivating current and future leaders.

REDES Project…

REDES stands for Relationship, Evangelize, Disciple, Equip, and Serve. The Rojas and Chuvé families began the REDES project in 2009 by training, mentoring, and uniting the church leaders into a church association. God has brought other mission partners to work with them and fulfill Christ’s command to make disciples, baptize, and teach others to obey everything Christ commanded.

REDES Project leaders continue to plan and implement new projects to meet educational, spiritual, and social goals. They hope to reach all 28 communities located in the Lomerío region of Bolivia, and then evangelize and disciple the 48 communities surrounding the town of Concepción.

Onesimo and Elodia started their ministry working with the indigenous Ayore people in the jungle village of Zapoco in 2000. After working in Zapoco for 5 years their ministry expanded to working with the Chiquitano people in the many villages in an area known as Lomerio. 

In 2015 Onesimo and Elodia started to work in the communities around the city of Concepcion. Their REDES program - building Relationships, Evangelism, Discipleship, Equipping and Serving guides their ministry with the goal of planting churches in these communities. The Forks Church supports Onesimo and Elodia, not only financially but by sending mission teams to help with the community development and evangelism. 

LATCOM seeks to spread the Gospel in Bolivia and across Latin America by training, equipping and motivating people within their own countries to become Christian leaders.

Omar and Ana serve as administrators of LATCOM’s mission house in Santa Cruz and administrators for the logistics of LATCOM’s ministries in Bolivia. They are also the coordinators of the REDES program in the Lomerio area of Bolivia. Like Onesimo and Elodia, the Forks Church sends mission teams to help Omar and Ana in their ministry in the many villages of the Lomerio area. Leadership training and evangelism have been the focus of recent teams. 

LATCOM was founded in 1984 by missionary Dr. Charles G. Ramsey. “Chuck” Ramsey was introduced to the Forks Church through Pastor Ben Sheldon who once was a missionary in South Korea. 

Dr. Kanchana, a Christian doctor, started Beulah Land Services in 1982. She specializes in skin diseases and leprosy. The mission’s original outreach was to provide necessary care for leprosy patients who live in government colonies. The mission has expanded to include church planting, pastoral training, and congregational support in these leprosy villages of Thailand.

Beulah Land Services purpose is to be a true friend to the people affected with leprosy and their families. Their vision and objective is to minister to the people affected by leprosy and their children through God’s Word and the proclamation of the Gospel. 

Laurel serves with the SERGE Renewal Team to foster sustainable Gospel-centered movements of grace throughout the mission and throughout the American church.

She helps develop young missionaries through the Sonship Team, through Discipleship labs, and assesses and encourages the spiritual formation of these new workers for the mission field.

SERGE is a cross denominational mission sending agency rooted in the Reformed tradition of Christianity. All of its workers must personally embrace the essentials of Reformed theology in order to serve with them.

SERGE Values are the centrality of the Gospel, a ministry that comes from our acknowledged weakness, prayer for the Kingdom, and love for all people.

Tom helps translation teams and project managers prepare community plans that encourage proper Bible translation use and ongoing discipleship. After over 30 years of service to Wycliffe, Tom currently works with the translation projects in one of the provinces of Indonesia, where he travels 3 or 4 times a year. 

Wycliffe Vision: For people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed.

Wycliffe Mission: To serve with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation and work together so people can encounter God through His Word. 

David and Lee moved to Morocco in 2015 to pastor the Evangelical Church of Morocco.

David and Lee still are still affiliated with the church but David has stepped down from his pastoral role to serve as chaplain at the Al Mowafaga Institute.

WEC (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) is a multi-cultural, interdenominational church-planting mission agency. WEC’s primary goal is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the least-evangelized peoples of the world. WEC has a strong commitment to provide member care services for all of their missionaries and this is another area in which David and Lee are serving. 

Engage 2025 is a multi-year initiative of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, challenging every Presbytery to adopt an unengaged Muslim people group and launch a disciple-making movement among that group by 2025. 

The churches of the Presbytery of the East, working in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Russia, are focusing on the North Caucasus region in Southern Russia. This effort is evangelical – proclaiming the good news of life in Jesus and urgent – among people who have few, if any, intentional, witnessing Jesus-followers active among them.

Under the guidance of Dr. Andrey K. and a board of senior Russian believers, the Presbytery of the East is now in partnership with a host of indigenous and near neighbor Christian workers doing incredible ministry throughout the Caucasus.

Our principal partner, Dr. Andrey K. is the former president of the North Caucasus Bible Institute. Andrey received his doctorate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in December of 2017. He and his wife Albina returned to the region to follow the Lord’s calling on their lives. Their calling found alignment with the Engage 2025 calling to the same region. A fruitful partnership formed with the strategic purpose of engaging previously unreached people and providing a relational opportunity to share the Gospel.

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